Annick Nozati – La Peau Des Anges – Compact Disc
Brand new, never played and still sealed in the factory plastic seal
Vandceuvre Records
Track Listing
1. Chemin Fait l\’Oeuvre
2. Rêves Étouffés
3. Figue Explose
4. Dame en Noir Dit Je
5. C\’est un Pays Sans Fin
6. Lumière Qui Ne Dérange Pas l\’Ombre
7. Peau des Anges
8. Entre Les Choses
9. Ivresse
10. Suite Grande Tôle Folle\” Par DeláL\’Au DeláSauter Cul Par Dessus Tête
11. Soleils Éblouissants
12. C\’est un Grand Oiseau Blanc
13. Poids des Choses
14. Autour la Nuit
15. Accompli
16. Temps Invisible
French avant garde vocalist Annick Nozati first met the Belgian free jazz pianist Fred Van Hove at a festival in the summer of 1984, and the music they began making together was at once totally traditional and completely outside musical traditions. What was quite normal was for pianists and vocalists to work together, an easy-going combination harking back to classic blues and the early days of the recording industry, not to mention the combination\’s tradition in classical music. Yet there were not so many improvising vocalists working in avant garde improvisation at this point, so the ever-adventurous Van Hove was naturally intrigued. By the end of the year the two were performing their first gig together as a duo in Paris, a relationship that would continue until the singer\’s untimely death. The duo formation would often be enhanced with the addition of a guest such as the British saxophonist Lol Coxhill. Nozati also worked with Van Hove in a regular trio with mind-blowing trombonist Johannes Bauer and in the Van HoveNonet, featuring a whole crowd of serious noisemakers. Nozati - La Peau Des Anges - Compact Disc Brand new, never played and still sealed in the factory plastic seal Vandceuvre Records Track Listing 1. Chemin Fait l\'Oeuvre 2. Rêves Étouffés 3. Figue Explose 4. Dame en Noir Dit Je 5. C\'est un Pays Sans Fin 6. Lumière Qui Ne Dérange Pas l\'Ombre 7. Peau des Anges 8....roundflat webmaster@roundflat.comAdministratorRound Flat Records
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