Dan Nilsson – America, The Missing Peace – Compact Disc
\”America, The Missing Peace\” is an album by jazz artist Dan Nilsson, released under the Lumison label. It is recognized within jazz circles for its unique compositions and Nilsson\’s distinctive style.
Lumison Records
Track Listing
America The Missing Peace
Water Not Words
Indian Summer
Think Of Poor Haiti
First Garden Kitchen Tango
French Space Junk
Independence Day
Blues For Emily
P Town
https://www.roundflat.com/shop/compact-discs/dan-nilsson-america-the-missing-peace-cd-on-lumison-records/roundflatStoreDan Nilsson - America, The Missing Peace - Compact Disc
\'America, The Missing Peace\' is an album by jazz artist Dan Nilsson, released under the Lumison label. It is recognized within jazz circles for its unique compositions and Nilsson\'s distinctive style.
Lumison Records
Track Listing
America The Missing Peace
Water Not Words
Indian Summer
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